More than 20,000 works of art were plundered in Germany-occupied France and Belgium from 1940 to 1944. These works, meticulously documented during the war by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR), can searched and researched via a new online database. The database combines records from the U.S. National Archives in College Park (MD), the German Bundesarchiv…
Following the model of other micro loan ventures, is a site where artists propose projects and everyone can contribute to their funding. Project descriptions are posted on the site, outlining the goals, medium, budget and time frame. Anyone can make a financial contribution, for any amount. According to their website more than half the…
An album of extremely rare photographs of Tibet and its people, taken during a 1903 British mission, has both been publicized for the first time and auctioned off. The amazing photos were taken by Officer John Claude White and are the first known of their kind. Read or listen to an NPR interview by Renee…
A lucky person with a metal detector uncovered a Roman helmet last year, which is now going up for auction at Christie’s (on Oct. 7). It’s expected to fetch between $315,000 and $470,000. It is one of only three of its caliber and design (with complete face masks) ever discovered in England. It was found…
We mentioned last week that Fisk University in Nashville, in trying to alleviate financial woes, is attempting to use its Stieglitz Collection in revenue-generating ventures. In response, Fisk alumni and students are planning an on-campus vigil this evening to protest any removal of the Collection from university grounds. Meanwhile, the University is protesting a proposal…