Welcome to MIRL, a laboratory for research and learning in the History of Art & Architecture department at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

We support innovative visual pedagogy and we research emergent, diverse digital technologies and methods in the fields of art, art history and architecture.

As a site for collaboration, the lab is a space for faculty and students across the UCSB campus to investigate art objects and related materials for instruction and research purposes.

A view of the History of Art & Architecture's Center for Object Based Research and Learning (COBRAL) before the inaugural meeting of ARTHI 186SV: Seminar in Modern Architecture: Bauhaus in California, taught by Professor Volker M. Welter in Fall 2019. Instructors hold courses in the Material & Image Research Lab to teach with objects borrowed from the Art, Design & Architecture Museum and the Architecture and Design Collection for study and facilitating discussion. (image taken 9/30/2019)

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