The Getty Research Institute announced today that the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) is available free of charge on the Getty website. The database also includes the International Bibliography of Art (IBA), which covers the years 2008 and part of 2009. Next phase: the Répertoire de la litterature de l’art (RILA), one of…
THE ART HISTORIANS of SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (AHSC) November 7, 2009 at 9:00 am Occidental College, Weingart Hall Program includes lunch and reception. RSVP for further information to Rachel Pinto at Full program is available here. Directions to Occidental College here.
Two one-hour overviews on using image resources available at UCSB are scheduled over the next week. They will include a demonstration of the VRC image database (MDID), ARTstor and the OIV, instructions on how to set up accounts, new material in both resources, and other tips. The sessions are intended for graduate students but are…
Smarthistory is “a free multi-media web-book designed as a dynamic enhancement (or even substitute) for the traditional art history textbook.” It was started in 2005 by Drs. Beth Harris and Steven Zucker, who found themselves dissatisfied with traditional survey texts. They created a series of audio guides to accompany works at the Metropolitan Museum of…
Just a reminder that the California Digital Library still supports Luna Insight, the image hosting and search tool that was tested by the UC campuses a few years ago. There are several terrific collections which are not available through ARTstor or other means at this time, for example: The National Palace Museum of Taipei (over…