Category: Uncategorized

  • Artstor announces three major releases in material culture and Anthropology

    Artstor has just released more than 170,000 new images in Anthropology from three major institutions: Réunion des Musées Nationaux and Art Resource are contributing nearly 1,400 images of works from the Musée du quai Branly-Jacques Chirac. The Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia has released approximately 75,000 images of art and cultural…

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  • Upcoming Artstor Digital Library Feature Changes

    Artstor has announced they will make changes to current features in the Digital Library with a new release this summer that includes an improved platform with a redesigned interface and streamlined features. They will retire a number of personal uploads such as notes, citations, and saved searches, so visit here to learn how to save…

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  • Artstor launches over 35,000 images by Andy Warhol

    Artstor announced The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts has now made available more than 35,000* images in the Artstor Digital Library. These two extensive collections – Warhol’s Oeuvre and Photographic Legacy Project – provide a thorough presentation of Warhol’s works for the first time, including more than 34,000 original Andy Warhol photographs as well as paintings,…

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  • Where do you stand on Fair Use?

    For those who are interested in issues of image Fair Use, the College Art Association has released Copyright, Permissions and Fair Use among Visual Artists and the Academic and Museum Visual Arts Communities: An Issues Report. The extensive report summarizes 100 interviews, related to the use of third-party images in creative and scholarly work, conducted among…

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  • Photography and privacy violations

    There is something of a Rear Window quality to it all…    New York photographer Arne Svenson has his neighbors outraged.  His new show, at the Julie Saul Gallery in NYC, features photos of residents in the highrise across the street, but the photos were taken without their knowledge with a birdwatching telephoto lens.  Some of…

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  • “Cities” the theme for 2013 ARTstor Travel Awards

    Each year ARTstor sponsors travel awards that provide $1,500 in funds for recipients to visit and photograph a site.  All UCSB instructors, students, and  librarians are eligible, as UCSB is an ARTstor-subscribing institution.  Read the application rules here – deadline for entries is May 17.    Good luck!

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