The second workshop offered through the IRC will take place on Friday, November 2, 3-4pm in Ellison 1811. The topic is “Maximizing Online Image Resources & New Image Technology”, led by Jackie Spafford. All are welcome. This workshop will cover overviews of: image size and resolution, and best downloading protocol ARTstor’s growing collection and its…
Now that Fall quarter is underway, we at the IRC would like to welcome back faculty, and new and returning graduate students. We are offering a series of instructional workshops this quarter, and in future quarters we will repeat some and offer others. The first workshop will be on Friday, October 19, 3-4pm in Ellison…
Herbert “Skip” Cole, UCSB Professor Emeritus of African Art, has announced a new publication Invention and Tradition: The Art of Southeastern Nigeria (Prestel Press). The book “celebrates and explores the sculpture and masks of the many diverse ethnic groups living in Southeastern Nigeria.” For other faculty publication posts, click here and here.
There was a sobering article in the New York Times this weekend about the destruction and looting of African artifacts and archeological sites, primarily in Mali. The author, Holland Cotter, notes that in addition to good old fashioned looting, Al Qaeda-related Islamist groups are destroying sites on fundamentalist religious grounds. He outlines the movement…
The Ancient Borderlands Research Focus Group at UCSB has announced the Third Ancient Borderlands International Graduate Student Conference: Conflict, Consensus, and the Crossing of Boundaries in the Premodern World. The conference is scheduled for Friday, April 13 from 3:00-5:30 pm and Saturday, April 14 from 9:45 am-6:00 pm in the McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020.…
Columbia University Professor of Architecture Kenneth Frampton will be giving the 2012 Albert Frey lecture today, March 16, at 6:00 at the Loma Pelona Center. The lecture is entitled “Megaform as Urban Landscape,” and “seeks to trace the emergence of the megaform as a potential critical strategy for dealing with the de facto, space endlessness…