Category: IRC image database

  • ARTstor, Archivision and CDL deliver a payload!

    With some end of the year money available, the California Digital Library has licensed three huge segments of the vendor Archivision‘s fantastic images of architecture and public art for all UC campuses.  The Archivision Base Collection has 16,370 images “representing major Greek, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, 18th & 19th Century and Modern sites”.   Archivision Module…

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  • A Richard Ross Original at the VRC

    Photographer Richard Ross came by yesterday to photograph this “organic installation” at the VRC. We will soon be adding nearly 700 Richard Ross photographs to the VRC image database.   They will include images from his publications Museology (1989), Gathering Light (2000), Waiting for the End of the World (2004), and Architecture of Authority (2007),…

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  • Additions to the VRC image database, part 2

    Material that we have added to the image database recently includes: Victorian painting (90 images) Nineteenth and twentieth-century photography  (250 images) Moche, Inca and Tiahuanaco (Andean Peru) ceramics, textiles, maps and archaeological material (200 images) Twentieth-century contextual material (news photographs, political documents, etc.) (300 images) If you would like a database account and/or orientation please…

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  • Recent additions to the VRC image database

    Here are some recent image orders that have been added to the VRC image database – we will be posting periodic updates of new content: Russian posters and painting, 1920-2000 (Stalinism, propaganda, realism, recent conceptual art, etc.)  (90 images) Selections from “WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution” (catalogue) (110 images) The architecture of Frank Lloyd…

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  • Searching with diacritics on VRC-MDID:

    While searching on the VRC’s image database is very flexible and user-friendly, there is one flaw which came up again this week. If a word is entered in our catalogue with diacritics or accents (e.g. the umlaut in DÜRER) you will need to include those in your search – in other words, DÜRER will work,…

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  • Image resources available to all UCSB users

    We keep a growing list of resources here – there are links to our collection database (VRC-MDID), ARTstor, plus many other image resources, organized and annotated. Some of these are open to the public, some are licensed for UCSB use. Please visit, and let us know if you find something great to add, or notice…

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