Three artists — Bill Viola, April Gornik and Eric Fischl — have “postponed” their September exhibition Atmospheric Conditions at the Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University until the school’s administrators sign a legally-binding agreement to preserve the museum’s permanent collection. via The Boston Globe For previous posts on this developing story, click here and here. Note…
They will be coming to a town near you, but in the meantime check out The Mourners Photography Project website, hosted by FRAME (French Regional & American Museum Exchange). The website offers new digital high-resolution, 360° multi-perspective, and stereo 3D (anaglyph glasses required) views of the alabaster sculptures of monks and clerics that surround the…
Two Russian curators have been found guilty of “inciting hatred” with their 2007 contemporary art exhibition Forbidden Art — 2006. The exhibition had angered the Russian Orthodox Church, which condemned several works that depicted Jesus Christ in non-traditional ways and supported the charges against the curators. This in turn worried artists, who countered with a…
One of the summer exhibitions at the National Gallery, London explores scientific examination of paintings and what it can reveal. Close Examination: Fakes, Mistakes and Discoveries showcases works from the museum’s permanent collection that have been scientifically examined and some discoveries meant re-attribution, refutation or reappraisal. The show runs until 12 September but, if you…
Paintings depicting scenes from the life of Imam Hussein (grandson of the Prophet Muhammad) are on display at a mosque in a Shiite area of Sadr City, Iraq. Under Saddam Hussein such displays were forbidden, but a gradual increase in religious freedom has resulted in the approval and acceptance of these paintings. A total of…
If you’re going to be in Los Angeles this Saturday, try to go to the Fowler Museum at UCLA between 8 and 11pm. The Fowler will is teaming up with KCRW to present “Soundsuits after Dark”, a live presentation of Nick Cave’s soundsuits to the accompaniment of music courtesy KCRW DJs Garth Trinidad and…