DH Monday: Call for Participation – Provenance Loves Wiki 2024 (Jan 12-14, 2024/Berlin & online)

Application Deadline: October 15, 2023, 23:59 CET / 2:59 PM PDT

The Wikiverse, with its suite of collaborative structures and applications, has great potential as an infrastructure for exploration in art history and museum/collection research. The possibility to build linked art and collection data, to visualise data and information, and to connect with a global interdisciplinary open source knowledge graph are among the various possible Digital Humanities approaches to art historical research and science. Wikidata and Wikibase have shown their potential for fostering research and science in the humanities, specifically the Digital Humanities. For the field of provenance research in particular, the areas of application and research within the Wikiverse are relatively new and best practices are still being explored.

The working group kuwiki announces its first call for participation for an initial working meeting in Berlin “Provenance Loves Wiki 2024” #PLW2024 to gather expertise from specialists in the fields of provenance research, Wikiverse projects and software development, and foster further cooperation.

kuwiki invites provenance researchers, protagonists of the Wikiverse, and developers (active in either provenance research, Wikiverse projects or both) to an initial working meeting “Provenance Loves Wiki 2024” in Berlin from January 12th to 14th, 2024, at Technische Universität Berlin and the Wikimedia Deutschland Headquarters Berlin. Our goal is to bring together a group of experts/specialists in the fields of provenance research, Wikidata, Wikibase, Wikipedia, Digital Humanities and developers to jointly address specific issues and develop solutions. We particularly welcome international experts to join, exchange ideas and experience, and contribute to the new network.

In this context, research and development questions may address, but are not limited to:

  • Open source software and applications for provenance research
  • Linked open data in the context of provenance research and collection data
  • Wikidata and its applications for provenance research (e.g.: Which tools already exist? Which tools would be appreciated from the research perspective?)
  • Wikibase (e.g.: How can Wikibase be integrated into provenance research? What are the potentials?)
  • Wikipedia (e.g.: How do provenance information and events of plunder get represented in Wikipedia articles?)
  • AI applications
  • Legal aspects
  • Cooperation models (e.g.: citizen scientists and academia, developers and researchers, new Digital Humanities platforms)
  • the Wikiverse meets art history (in general, and more in particular:)
  • the Wikiverse meets provenance research, provenance data and museums data

The 3-day event (Friday, January 12, until Sunday, January 14, 2024) includes a public reception and roundtable with provenance scientist Bénédicte Savoy (TU Berlin) at Technische Universität Berlin, and a two-day multi-part workshop at Wikimedia Deutschland Headquarters Berlin, and Wiki-Workshops at WikiBär Berlin. The travel, accommodation, and food expenses on Saturday and Sunday will be provided. The conference language is English.
 Apply for participation at “Provenance Loves Wiki 2024” until October 15th, 2023, 23:59 CET:

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