Online Workshop: February 10, 2023, 9.00-16.30 (CET) / 12:00am – 7:30am (PST)
Registration Deadline: February 9, 2023
This one-day workshop aims to bring together image researchers from different disciplines. On a very hands-on level, we want to explore digital tools that might offer pragmatic solutions for researching images on the web. Furthermore, the academic (re)use of images from social media raises particular ethical and legal issues. Digital media researchers, legal scholars and art historians will provide insight into their method designs and open up critical perspectives on how to deal with visual content online.
The workshop is organised by the research project “Image Protests on Social Media” at Technical University Dresden, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), in collaboration with NFDI4Culture, Consortium for Research Data on Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage within the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI).
Click here to register in advance for the Zoom-Meeting link.
Contacts: Verena Straub,, and Christoph Eggersglüß,