Last week’s DH Monday’s post featured The Programming Historian, with digital tools, techniques, and workflow tutorials that (among other uses) could be used in courses for skill building and project development. We’d like to elaborate on that with Art History Teaching Resources (AHTR), a great resource when your looking for lessons or activities for courses – including two recommendations we’re highlighting in this week’s post.
First, there’s Experiments in Art History: Teaching with Digital Tools. This blog explores and explains ways the author uses various online resources in the classroom and in assignments.
Second, check out Getting Started with Digital Humanities in the Classroom. In this AHTR post, Hannah Jacobs, Digital Humanities Specialist for the Wired! Lab for digital art history & visual culture at Duke University, shares “some ideas about where to find inspiration and training; what are the opportunities and challenges to consider; and which resources may be needed (or not needed) when designing and implementing a digital art history project in the classroom.”