ARTstor has announced that 833 images (69% of the roughly 1,200 projected total) from the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum are now available in the Digital Library [keyword search: okeeffemuseum].
Additionally, agreements have been reached with the following institutions and should be available by April (all image counts are approximate):
- Diego Rivera at the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA): 1,380 images digitized from a rare collection of photographs created in conjunction with the seminal 1986 exhibition “Diego Rivera: A Retrospective”
- Ellsworth Kelly: 200 high-quality images from the artist, who will also provide accompanying cataloging information
- Beverly Willis: 50 images of works of architecture
- Foundation for Landscape Studies: 5,000 contemporary photographic images from around the world that offer an overview of landscape studies, encompassing all cultural landscapes, including gardens, parks, cities, suburbs, rural areas, and the humanized wilderness